Clinics and Services

Antenatal Clinic

A midwife run clinic is held at Wroxham and Hoveton Medical Practice; contact telephone number to arrange an appointment is 01603 777928.

Baby Clinic/Immunisations

Baby immunisation clinics are held at the surgery at regular intervals. Once you have received your letter from the health surveillance team, please contact the surgery to request an appointment.


It is recommended that children up to five years of age should be registered for child health surveillance. This is a programme run by the doctor, health visitor and practice nurse and includes a baby check and immunisations.

Community Based Health Staff

District nurses, community matrons, midwifes and health visitors can be contacted via the surgery.

Family Planning

The surgery offers sexual health appointments with both doctors and nurses. Contraceptive advice and reviews are also offered.

Services/Clinics Provided by Nurses

The nurses provide general nursing care such as dressings, ear syringing, suture removal, child and adult immunisations, travel information, routine reviews of medication, cervical smears, and pre-pregnancy and contraception advice.

We provide routine NHS health checks, subject to qualifying criteria.

We also have a health promotion programme which includes:

  • Asthma
  • COPD
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • CKD
  • Epilepsy clinics
  • General health care advice

Please request an appointment with a nurse.

Travel Advice and Immunisations

Please allow a minimum of 8 weeks to organise your vaccinations, some of them will need a course of treatments over a period of time.

Please complete a travel risk assessment.

There is a charge for some travel immunisations and charges will be made for temporary residents. If you require any vaccinations relating to foreign travel, you need to make an appointment with the practice nurse to discuss your travel arrangements.