Emergency alerts and domestic abuse

Emergency alerts and domestic abuse

The Government will test the emergency alerts system set up in the UK on 23rd April. This will result in an emergency alert being sent to all phones, even if they’re set to silent. If you have a hidden phone because you’re living with domestic violence, you should check your settings. Refuge has a video explainer which you can find here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2MBcHwmiy8

Refuge offers support for women and children suffering domestic abuse. If you’re experiencing domestic violence, including coercive control, Refuge can help. If you’re concerned that your abuser may be keeping a check on which websites you’re using, ensure that you use a safe or incognito browser and keep an eye on the “Quick exit” tab to the bottom right of the screen. https://refuge.org.uk/?gclid=CjwKCA…fsBRYaFReEF1K5YSvJbcd4Ma8xiMtJkRoCmgcQAvD_BwE