Breast cancer awareness, 1st-31st October

Breast cancer awareness, 1st-31st October

We often think that the sign of breast cancer is a lump on the breast, which it can be; however, there are also other signs that could indicate something is wrong. These changes could be as simple as a rash or a slight change in the appearance of the nipple.

There are 12 symptoms of breast cancer. Do you know what all 12 would be? Know Your Lemons has a fantastic and easy-to-understand set of graphics which explain what’s normal in breast tissue.
Breast cancer is rare in men, but can occur – more often if you’re over the age of 60.

If you’re a trans-man, trans-woman, or identify as non-binary, your risk of cancer and screening for some cancers may be affected. You can help to ensure you don’t miss any vital screening opportunities. This guidance from Cancer Research is helpful in determining any altered risk or screening changes.

If you notice any changes, it’s important to make an appointment with your GP practice.…reening/trans-and-non-binary-cancer-screening