Stoptober, 1st-31st October

Stoptober, 1st-31st October

Smoking causes 7/10 cases of lung cancer. Stoptober (or stop during October) is the month when people come together to try to quit smoking. Quitting smoking is not only good for your health, but it will also save you significant amounts of money.

If you smoke ten a day, you could save over £180 if you didn’t smoke during October. If you smoke 20 a day, that increases to almost £360. With the cost of living increasing all the time, there’s never been a better time to quit. After a year, you could be almost £4,400 better off if you currently smoke 20 a day and make the decision to quit. You might be surprised at how the cost adds up over your lifetime.
If you quit smoking for 28 days, you’re five times more likely to stop smoking altogether. 28 days is manageable, isn’t it?