Wellbeing Hubs

The Wellbeing Hubs across Norfolk and Waveney are a safe space to get support for your mental health and wellbeing in your community. They are a key development in the transformation of community mental health services.
With a focus on wellness, not illness, you’ll always find a warm welcome and supportive staff to offer help, advice, or a listening ear.
The Wellbeing Hubs are a safe space for people to get support for their mental health and wellbeing in their community, including people experiencing significant mental distress.
With a café at the heart of the service and a focus on wellness, not illness, there’s always a warm welcome and supportive staff to offer help, advice, or a listening ear.
The nearest one to us is REST Aylsham, 1 Red Lion Street, Aylsham, NR11 6ER. It is open 11 am – 5:30 pm, 7 days per week. Call: 0300 330 5488 option 1
For more details and information about other Hubs is available here https://improvinglivesnw.org.uk/our-work/healthier-communities/mental-health/wellbeing-hubs